Saturday, March 14, 2009

July 3, 2008 I'm The "Skinny Sister"!!

Today marks a BIG milestone! I am FINALLY the "smallest" female in my family! I've always been the shortest--at 5'4", my mom has 3" on me, and my sister has 5". For quite some time, I've had the smallest waist, by several inches. But now I WEIGH the least! I have NEVER weighed less than my sister except for a brief period about 16 years ago when I was pretty anorexic and she was quite pregnant! Now, I'm healthy, and she weighs more than I do!! Nanny nanny boo boo!!! I called to tell her this morning and she is as thrilled for me as I am (she's such a good sport!)
I did my measurements this morning too. OMG, my hips are only 47"!!! I can't remember the last time they were under 50"! My waist is down another half inch, to 36, and my bust is slowly shrinking as well. Even my legs are significantly smaller! I ordered some thigh high stockings yesterday, and they might even fit! Which would be great, because it would mean I didn't have to wear the dreaded pantyhose under my kilt in Scotland! (I HATE pantyhose!)
The other day I went to a store in my hometown where they fit you for a bra. I've been having a tough time with bras. 38C in one style is big, in another small, in another just right. And when a 38C is small, the 40C in the same style is big. What gives? So i was measured, and it turns out I'm a 39C. Which kind of explains the problem! So, I AM wearing the right size, it's just gonna be kind of hit or miss as to what actually fits. Anyway, I asked to woman to measure my 12.5 year old daughter (the one who weighs 87 pounds soaking wet, and wears a size 0 petite...) O.M.G.!! My baby girl is a 30C!!!! Which basically doesn't exist, so I bought her a bunch of 32Cs, since she hates the tight band anyway. They fit her like a glove! Poor baby. Heaven help her in 5 or 10 years--what's she gonna be? Like a DDD?? My niece, who will be 14 next week, is a 28DD!!! Again, no such thing, so she's wearing a 32DD, which my sister paid about $50 for. I told her to shop at Fredricks of Hollywood--they have that size for under $20, and the bras are not crazy (well, not ALL of them...) This poor girl--some of her cousins on her father's side have been F and G cups, and many have had reductions. She swears she'll NEVER have surgery, but we'll see in 7 or 8 years when she's so front heavy she can't stand up straight!
The other day, I was making chocolate chip cookies to send to my BFFs kids at camp, I had an overwhelming desire to eat some batter. Thankfully, it has eggs in it, and I am SO not eating eggs this year. So I didn't do it. But the desire was really getting to me! Not a usual thing lately--no desire for the "bad stuff". I hope this won't rear it's ugly head while on vacation!
Last night I did another water aerobics class. Worked like a dirty dog and felt GREAT! Back to the gym this morning for 30 minutes on the elliptical, and an hour with my trainer, Shannon. I am really amazed at how far I've come in just a month! I am definitely stronger, and my muscles are more defined. My scale says I lost 4 pounds of muscle mass this week, which I HIGHLY dispute--if anything, I've GAINED muscle mass! But what does the scale know? (other than my weight, which is, of course, completely accurate!!)
Did you know that if you wear shorts, and you have saggy legs that look like a pair of Sharpeis in heat, no one cares? Really! I've been a bit daring lately, and worn shorts on the hotter days. And no one has said anything! Not even a look of horror! (at least, not that I've noticed...) And this is new, because last summer if I wore shorts, the stares...well, 'nuff said! But last night at WalMart, a little girl, who was just about up to my hip, was looking at me quite intensely, and it seems she was trying to show me her new shoes! She didn't even care about my thunder thighs! WOW! So I guess shorts will be a more significant part of my wardrobe this summer--even if I DO have to hold them up with a belt, since the waists are all too big!
And another FYI--it is possible to go out for dinner, or order in, and still eat healthy, even at a restaurant that doesn't seem to have anything healthy. Tonite my daughter is going to a Yankees game with her Dad, so my son and I are on our own for dinner. I had planned to make tacos, but since he isn't crazy about thim, it seemed a waste. So I asked him what he wants, and he said fish and chips. With vinegar. (Hmmm, could he be a Brit in disgise??) I looked through all our takeout menus and finally found one place that has what he wants. La Rosa Chicken and Grill. Well, I can get turkey breast, roasted red potatoes, and steamed veggies or a salad. NO PROBLEM! And I dont' have to cook! YAY!!!! Tomorrow night we will definitely eat out, since it's the night before vacation, and I don't want any food garbage hanging around while we're away. I know the kids want pizza, so we'll go to our 2nd favorite pizza place where they have a GREAT salad for me! And then, vacation, and NO COOKING for 2 WEEKS!!!! WooHoo!!! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to cook. But I also love to have a break, especially from the planning. For 14 days, all I have to worry about is what _I_ want to eat, not what the kids want. They can order for themselves! Ahhh, freedom!
I did buy a book that lists protein counts (and calories, carbs, and fats) of foods, including brand name and restaurant chains. I think it will help me keep track while I'm on vacation. I won't be logging into SparkPeople, but I WILL write down everrything I eat, and I'll try to stay close to my normal parameters. I also figured out that the day we board the cruise, since we have 10 hours between boarding and sailing, with not so much to do, I will go spend an hour in their gym on the elliptical! Make some good use of my time! We won't be sightseeing that day, so other than walking through airports, I won't be getting much exercise. So the gym seems like a good idea. Gotta keep my girlish figure!
I won't be blogging next week, since I'll be away. But in 2 weeks, I'll be back, probably with lots to tell. Hopefully with little or no weight gain. After all...
I'm the skinny sister. Now I just have to "catch up" to my Dad...

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