Saturday, March 14, 2009

August 1, 2008 Dundee to Edinburgh to Spean Bridge

I got up early and took a shower on the moving train—again, quite an experience! We had breakfast with Q (finally!!), and then everyone got off and said goodbye. Deb went off on her own to do some shopping, and I went with Mom, Dad, and Mrs. MacPherson to another “stately home”, Hopetoun House, on the outskirts of Edinburgh. I had planned to do some touring on my own, but with the festivals going on, the crowds were just insane, so I opted to go with the others. We had a nice guided tour, followed by a lovely lunch.

We returned to the train station, and I took off to find an ATM and to get some blueberries for Mom. Mom met up with one of her former first grade students, who is now a Presbyterian minister here in Edinburgh. We were again piped aboard the train—you just gotta love it! We noticed that this time there is a much younger crowd—more our vintage than Mom and Dad’s. We also noticed one family that looked like white trash: a big, sloppy man, a woman who looks like my ex’s third wife, wearing sweats, and a teenaged boy who was dressed all in black, with baggy pants, black nail polish, and totally Goth clothing, with his iPod blaring loud enough for everyone to hear.. OMG, are they actually going on the train with us?!? YES!!! We would soon find out that our first impressions of them were WAY off base! I napped for about 45 minutes in my cabin, while the new folks unpacked. We then had tea, the same as the first day. I swear, tea is gonna be the death of me! (and I don’t mean the drink…)

I read in the observation room for awhile, and then it was time to dress for formal dinner. Again, there were four men wearing kilts, and one woman! Turns out, our “white trash” couple are both maxillo-facial surgeons! They clean up nice—they looked great all decked out in their kilts. Dinner was yummy as always. Mrs. MacPherson joined us, and she is really a hoot! She and Deb were being very naughty, conspiring together, and probably up to no good! After dinner we retired to the observation car for more music—this time a fiddle and an accordion. They played Scotland the Brave at my request (the only Scottish song I know!) It’s gotten much cooler, and the heat was even turned on in the halls.

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