Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I Had Quite A Day Today

've had quite a day.

First, I get to the gym early, set up all my equipment for my fitball class, and went to do the elliptical. Came back just as class was starting, and someone had taken my things! So I had to hunt down equipment from other rooms, find a spot in the room, etc. I was not amused.

Then, I noted a "weak soreness" in my left upper hip as I was sitting on the ball. I've felt this before, so didn't worry; I did the first few exercises and realized it was really starting to hurt. By the time I needed to get up off the mat (about 30 minutes in), I realized I could barely move. My friend helped me up and kindly offered to put away all of my equipment. I just thanked her and hobbled out. Getting into the car was pure torture. By the time I got home I was in serious trouble. Getting out of the car was worse than getting in. But once home, and once I was just upright, I was much better. I decided to go to the chiropractor.

She told me my SI joint (whatever that is) is all out of whack, and some muscle down there is in spasm. I got adjusted, was told I am banished from the gym until Monday, and told to come back in the afternoon. I went to leave. Well, between the pain and all the things rushing around in my head of what I needed to do, I wasn't thinking clearly. I went to back out, looked carefully in all directions, turned the wheel and backed out. Only I turned the wheel WAY too far, and "CRUNCH"--I've hit the car next to me. I wanted to crawl under a rock at that point! I apologized profusely to the very nice elderly lady whose car I'd hit. She told me not to worry about it. Her son is her insurance agent, and said the same thing. They were so very nice about it, which I really really appreciated! What a way to blow another $500 on the deductible! Oh well, it's only metal, and no one was hurt.

Came home to get everything else done on my lengthy to-do list. And realized I am going to have to kill my sister! I assumed my niece and her friend were coming in on the Turkish Airlines flight that gets in around 2:45. We made plans for my mom and dad to come down for dinner at 6 with all of us. WRONG! They are flying Delta, which I only learned when I asked my sister TODAY where I was to pick them up. Not only are they flying Delta, they arrive at 5:30 PM!!!! In the middle of rush hour! I was really not happy about this, and called my Dad to ask how he'd feel about having only one daughter, since I was going to kill my sister. My nice Daddy offered to pick up the girls for me! It's too hot for him to play golf, so he's got time. I will gladly let him do the honors! So he will get them and bring them here, and we'll greet them with pizza for a late dinner, and a nice chicken salad sandwich for Daddy. (I offered Lobster Thermidore, but he said the sandwich was fine)

Looks like I'll have some free time tomorrow--I'm quite sure I can find something to do with it. Like, maybe, SLEEP!!! More likely, I'll find other things that have to be done for the party, and feel the need to do them.

In any case, I just can't believe my baby girl has graduated from 8th grade! I remember when she graduated from Kindergarten! Where have the years gone?

Now we just have to get things ready for the party Friday, and then Saturday and beyond, I can relax and worry about LIFE.

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