Friday, February 12, 2010

Taking the Bull By the Horns

As I sat here yesterday, looking at the huge quantity of snow outside and lamenting the fact that I couldn't get to the gym. I really did not feel like another battle with the Wii Fit, so I spent the time cleaning out a closet that desperately needed it. Probably a better workout than the Wii anyway...

So, I got to thinking, "Damn, I really wish I had an Elliptical here at home!" I've often said if I ever owned another fitness machine, it would be an Elliptical. But where would I put it? Besides, I go to the gym 5-6 times a week, why do I need one at home. Well, all that snow sure answered THAT question! Besides, when I get home from work, sometimes I really don't want to head back out into the cold and go to the gym.

I talked to my sister (who was snowed in with us--what fun!) and we discussed the issue of where I could put it that I could still watch TV but it wouldn't be squeezed in somewhere or in the way. And then it came to me--what do I need more? The 25 year old loveseat in my family room (that is accompanied by 2 chairs and a big sofa anyway) or an Elliptical? They have about the same footprint. I rarely need seats for that many people in here, and could always move in some chairs from other rooms. Hmmmmmm...that really got me thinking.

I had actually talked to my trainer about Ellipticals on Tuesday, and she had said the ones at the gym were like $8000!!! Who knew? But she said Precor made cheaper ones, and they were the best. Well, I looked online and they may be "cheaper" but they sure ain't cheap! The lowest price I saw was still over $3000! So I read some reviews from various sources, and one other brand kept coming up--Smooth. I ventured over to their website, plugged in my height, weight, level of activity, price range, etc., and it spit out some suggestions. The lowest one was still $1899. But I had seen mention of yet another model that looked like it would meet my needs, so I checked it out. Brand new 2010 model--special introductory price of $1399! Now THAT's what I'm talking about!

I called the sales department at Smooth and talked to a very nice, helpful young man. I told him what I needed, which models I was considering, and asked what he would recommend. Based on my height (5'4") and the fact that my 4'10" daughter will likely be using it too, he said the higher priced one would likely be too long of a stride. He recommended the lower priced model, assured me it would meet our needs very nicely, and answered my few remaining questions.

OK, so, do I go for it? YES!!! I placed the order, and requested their "White Glove Delivery" which includes bringing it into the house and setting it up for me! (Regular delivery leaves it at the curb--NOT an option for a 210 pound piece of equipment!)

It should be here in 2-3 weeks. That won't help me through the next snowstorm (forecast for this coming Monday), but I will sure be prepared for the future!

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