Friday, September 18, 2009

September 18, 2009 Getting It In Gear

I am happy to say I am FINALLY "back on the wagon!"  I ate my way through the summer, but now the summer is over and it's time to get it in gear.

At the end of the summer, I went on a short vacation, and continued the bad eating habits I had resumed in Scotland and during Dad's hospitalization.. When I got home, I decided to get back on track. I lasted through breakfast. OK, so I'll wait til the kids are back at school. Tried again, and lasted until just about dinnertime.
At this point, I had a serious problem. My pants didn't fit! I had exactly 2 pair of stretch denim capris that I could squeeze myself into. Nothing else fit. I was greatly relieved to realize I could wear my gym pants, as they are stretchy with an elastic waist. But something had to change, and fast!
So this past Monday I started over. But I did one thing different from the last 2 times--I went to the gym!! 45 minutes on the elliptical got me all fired up to do this right. I made a commitment then and there to be at the gym every day this week (except Sunday), and to eat right. I also found a new personal trainer, and will start with her next Monday.
Fast forward to today, just 4 days later. I have lost 9.5 pounds (can you say water weight?!) and my pants fit again! WooHoo!! I've been at the gym every morning, and I have eaten on my food plan faithfully. and I feel SO much better! No more headaches, no more bloating, no more feeling so tired I can't keep my eyes open.
So here's the question. I KNOW I feel better when I am exercising and eating right. So WHY do I stop? Why do I indulge in the garbage foods, knowing they make me feel like crap? I'll be damned if I can figure that one out. If anyone has the answer, I'd love to know!

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