Saturday, January 30, 2010

One Week Down, A Lifetime to Go

Monday, January 18, 2010
It's been a week since I returned to SparkPeople and my healthy eating plan. I've lost 6 pounds, and I feel SO much better! I went to the gym twice last week and rode the bike a little, and did some elliptical. It went pretty well, so I am going to add the gym into my routine, and increase it slowly to my tolerance. Hopefully I can get back to my trainer in about a month.

I'm reading The Spark and enjoying it. I laughed out loud when I came to the part about your tastes changing, and all of a sudden you "get it', that healthy food tastes better. I thought, hmm, yeah, that's true. And on the very next page, under that same heading, was the quote from ME! Funny, I thought it was a new concept. Guess I was wrong.

I'm reconnecting with some old SparkFriends, and it's interesting to see that we all are struggling. I suppose that just goes to show that this journey is NOT easy, and it's all too easy to stumble off track. The important thing is that we realize we've strayed, and find our way back to the right path before we do serious damage.

16 pounds out of 113. I can live with that. That's great progress.

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