Saturday, January 30, 2010
Early this month, I noticed that my dog was having a hard time finding toys when I threw them, and was bumping into furniture. When he missed the chair he was jumping on and fell on the floor instead, I called the vet. Diagnosis--SARDS. Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome. Quite simply, he's blind. It happened in a matter of days. One weekend he could see, the next weekend he could not.
In the past 3 weeks, I have watched my little guy adapt to his newly dark world. I am completely amazed at the resilience he has shown. At the beginning, he was understandably confused, scared, and uncertain. He refused to leave my side. He slept most of the time. But as time went on, I started to see signs of the Duke I knew and loved.
He's made a "mental map" of the house, and can now find his way around without bumping into things (for the most part). He can find his way from the back door to his "potty spot", and back to the door to come in. He's even started to scamper back to the house again, rather than the slow, careful plodding. He once again greets me at the door on 2 legs, dancing to say "hi Mom!" He's even figured out how to steal my shoes! Yesterday he spent the day at "camp"--the place where he boards has doggy day care, and I took him over for the day for a "tryout". He did great! He played with the other dogs, hung out with the owner, and basically acted the same as he always has when there. (this is a great relief, since it means he will be able to board there when we travel.)
As I've watched Duke adapt, it made me think of my own journey. I, too, have had to adapt to a very different life. Thankfully, I can still see, but the changes I've made are pretty significant. And, like his, my changes are permanent. They won't go away in a week, or a month, or a year. They've become part of who I am now. I was a couch potato who ate too much of the wrong stuff, making me obese and unhealthy. Now I am an exerciser who eats healthy foods in moderate quantities, making me much slimmer and healthier.
OK, sure, my changes have been for the better, while Duke's have not, but they've still had a huge impact on both of our lives. They've changed how we live. And you know what? I think we're both adapting pretty well!