Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 10, 2009 The Sandwich Generation

I have spent a good bit of time in the past couple of weeks helping out Mom and Dad. Let me start by saying that not only don't I mind doing this, I truly ENJOY it. I love my parents dearly, and would do anything for them.

That said, WOW! It has been sort of surreal. As if *I* am the parent and they are the kids. Mom had a knee replacement a month ago and still isn't totally back on her feet (although I think she is walking better than before the surgery!). Dad is playing nurse and housekeeper, and doing a pretty darn good job of it. Who knew he could cook?? But when I am there, I always seem to step into the caregiving role. Giving Mom a shower, changing the dressing on Daddy's ear (he had a growth removed), cooking, running errands, offering advice, etc. When did I become the parent? They are both somewhat forgetful, and between the two of them you could get a bit confused! ("I told you that already." "No, this is the first I heard of it.") But they work as a team and manage to do just fine, whether I am there or not.

All of this has caused me to think about the inevitable day that one or both of my parents will no longer be with us. If 40 minutes away seems too far now, imagine when that distance is infinite. I can't bear the thought of it! Mom and I have always been very close, and Daddy and I have gotten much closer in the past few months. I am NOT ready to let them go! Not that either of them is at death's door or anything, but between Mom's heart problems and Daddy's kidney failure, they both have issues. I find they sometimes have to be encouraged and reminded to ask the doctor a question, or even GO to the doctor. And just try to get them to TELL me what is going on! Thankfully, they are getting better at this. At any rate, I wish they lived closer, and I wish I could do more. But here I am, sandwiched between my parents and my children. I feel like a slice of salami!!

This also has affected my own life. Running back and forth to Mom and Dad means less time for the gym and other things I usually do. OK, so my gym attendance has been sorely lacking lately anyway, but I was getting up some steam, and then BOOM! Havent been there since Saturday. At least I did fit in a trip to Whole Foods, which is near them, to get some high quality produce and meats. And today I finally ate my regular breakfast again, of yogurt, Cheerios and blueberries. Last time I tried, I nearly gagged on it, but today I enjoyed it! Hooray! Back to "normal". And if breakfast goes well, it sets up the rest of the day for success too.

I will be spending this weekend at the Special Olympics, watching Laura swim. She stays in the dorm Friday and Saturday night, and I will stay at Mom and Dad's, just 5 minutes away. I am looking forward to it. Should get some good walking in on campus, although food will be weird. I will simply do my best. Heck, swimming 3 events, Laura will get in enough exercise for both of us! Hopefully she will bring home some medals to add to her collection--I just love how she beams with joy at each success! Go Marlins!

Monday, June 1, 2009

June 1, 2009 Clothing Sizes (Rant!)

What IS it with clothing manufacturers? Why can't a 12 be a 12 be a 12? Why am I a 12 one place and a 16 somewhere else, or a Medium one place and an XL somewhere else?

I went shopping for navy blue pants. Now, it is hard enough to find the color, let alone in a style that works for me, which generally means wide leg or trouser style. So off I went to Kohls to do some looking. The only place I could look was the clearance rack, as there was not another pair of navy blue pants to be had in the entire store. What, has navy gone out of fashion???

Anyway, I found a pair I liked in a 14 regular. I am generally a 14 in pants. I prefer Petites, but I can always have them hemmed. The only other pair I found was a 16 Petite. OK, so I grab them both and try on the 14s. I was SWIMMING in them! I mean they were seriously huge on me. So, why bother trying on the 16s which would be bigger, right? Well, I figured I had nothing to lose, so I did try them on, and they FIT! What?? Other than being a few inches too big in the waist, which is always the case if pants fit me right in the hips and thighs (its just how I am built), they fit great and looked perfect. So how are the 14s too big and the 16s fit?

What really galls me about this is that last summer, weighing about 45 pounds more, I went shopping for pants for Scotland. Most of what I got was 18s, but I was so excited to be able to buy a pair of navy blue pants in--you guessed it--size 16 Petite! So how does 45 pounds lost = the same size? I know, different stores, different styles, different manufacturers, but come on! How about at least a LITTLE standardization.

It's a darn good thing I am not married to the size on the tags in my clothes, or I would never have bought a 16. All I know is, they fit, they look nice, they are comfortable, and they were on sale.

Works for me.